WORK ID: YFA 2926 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
A NEW CREATURE | 1958 | 1958-01-01 |
Original Format: 16mm Colour: Colour Sound: Sound Duration: 16 mins 58 secs Credits: Christian Adelphoi Truth Films Presents Subject: Religion |
Summary This film highlights the importance of a true baptism, and what that means to one man, as he converts his wife to a specific view of Christianity through together reading the Bible. Ultimately she is baptised, being fully immersed in a bath. The film is narrated by the main character, Tom Parker. |
This film highlights the importance of a true baptism, and what that means to one man, as he converts his wife to a specific view of Christianity through together reading the Bible. Ultimately she is baptised, being fully immersed in a bath. The film is narrated by the main character, Tom Parker.
"Christian Adelphoi"
"Truth Films Presents"
"A new creature"
Commentary - Did the title convey something like this to your mind? Or maybe this? Or perhaps...
This film highlights the importance of a true baptism, and what that means to one man, as he converts his wife to a specific view of Christianity through together reading the Bible. Ultimately she is baptised, being fully immersed in a bath. The film is narrated by the main character, Tom Parker.
"Christian Adelphoi"
"Truth Films Presents"
"A new creature"
Commentary - Did the title convey something like this to your mind? Or maybe this? Or perhaps this? Now we're getting nearer the subject because this film has to do with a birth but a birth of a different kind.
There is a small baby mouse, a chicken, then a baby. A man dressed in a long raincoat enters a house, and he calls to his wife who is in the kitchen. The narrator reveals himself to be the man, called 'Tom Parker' and his wife is called 'Mary'.
Commentary - My name is Tom Parker, and for two years now I have been a Christian. That is a Christian in the full meaning of the word a baptised believer in Christ. Mary, my wife, like the majority of people today showed little interest in religion and could not understand what had made such a change in my life.
He sits at the table, and his wife hands him mail. The address reads "Kingston, Yorks." His wife shows him an invitation to a christening.
Commentary - My story begins one evening when I had just come home from work. I was looking at the post when Mary showed me an invitation we had received to the christening of her sister's baby daughter. Now I had strong convictions that christening is a man-made ritual and in no way resembles true Christian baptism. This I believe can only be carried out by the total immersion in water of people old enough to know what they are doing. Although I was naturally very fond of the baby I felt I couldn't approve of the ceremony and therefore ought not to attend. Mary protested and we had quite an argument about it. I must say, in view of Mary's normal indifference to matters religious, I found her attitude somewhat illogical.
Tom sits in the front room reading a paper. His wife is opposite him knitting, and the narrator informs us there is "much unease" about a disagreement over attending the christening.
Commentary - Since the christening our relationship had been a little strained. But I suspected that Mary had been thinking a lot more about the matter. She had remarked that hardly anything from the Bible had been mentioned at the service apart from such passages as "suffer little children to come unto me." She realised that this and other quotations had been taken out of their context and had no connection whatever with a baptism described in the New Testament. This uneasy atmosphere in our home prevailed for some considerable time.
Narrator informs it is now, "many months later." They walk outside along a road and still further discuss baptism. They continue to walk until they reach a river bank.
Commentary - One evening a few months later as we were out walking in the country, Mary was in a talkative mood and strangely enough seemed eager to know something more about my beliefs. She said that if I were able to explain anything to her she was willing to listen. So I reasoned with her and told her that according to the Bible when a person or nation becomes associated with God they had always been given a sign of the government made as for example with Noah, Abraham and Mosses and how these things pointed forward to the new government of which the sign is baptism - a symbolic cutting off of one's wayward activities and a turning from a purely selfish way of life to a life of service to God. I pointed out also that the Old Testament figures of salvation are made clear to us in the New Testament. The Ark in which Noah and his family were saved, and the deliverance from death of the children of Israel in passing through the waters of the Red Sea, are both typical of baptism with its saving power today. As we were on the banks of the river I tried to describe to her how in the first place the Jordan and other rivers and lakes baptism as commanded was carried out openly. But that man for his own convenience and satisfaction had gradually drifted away from the teaching of the Bible ignoring emersion in water until in many cases a mere splash or sprinkle was thought to be adequate.
Sitting down, Mary throws a rock into the river. The ripples created link this scene to another. Now at the River Jordan, many people are dressed in robes on the side of the bank. Two men get into the river, and one is immersed fully, or "properly baptised."
Commentary - Had we been sitting on the banks of the Jordan in its fertile valley about nine teen hundred years ago we might well have witnessed a Christian baptism. Believers would often gather together and go to the river to carry out the will of God, promising in this act of obedience to give their lives to him becoming as it were new creatures in service to the Lord Jesus.
Tom and Mary still sit on the bank. They then get up and continue their walk.
Commentary - Mary's questions and her answers to mine gave me much delight and I shall always remember that lovely evenings walk. Now at last I felt that we were beginning to see eye to eye.
Outside a hall a sign reads: Christadelphian Hall. Another sign: The meaning of Christian Baptism, Speaker T Gosney. A man speaks at the front of a hall. The service finishes, and many congregate and talk outside the hall.
Commentary - A few weeks later we went together to my place of worship for the first time in our four years of married life. The speaker dealt with his subject mainly form Romans chapter 6, Collations' chapter 2 and Second Corinthians chapter 5. Denoting a need for a change of heart which is repentance and how baptism is a figure of the death and burial and resurrection of Jesus. A baptised believer shows that he is willing to die with Jesus to an old way of life, that is going under the water and rise out of the water to a greater literal resurrection of the body from the grave after the pattern of Jesus' resurrection. After the meeting, Mary met many of my friends.
Tom and Mary are home again. Tom takes the Bible from a shelf and goes through it with Mary. 'John 3:3' is highlighted as a title. They continue to go through the Bible.
Commentary - At home I had the opportunity to explain further a few of the verses and quotations which deal with this very important subject, especially those referring to the new birth in Jesus.
John 3 verse 3
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Verse 5
Except a man be born of water and of spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
From John I turn to the apostle to the Galatians and then to Matthew 3 where we read of the baptism of Jesus himself a sinless man.
Verse 13
Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him, but John forebad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.
It was at this very time the life of the lord Jesus that God declared This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
Commentary - And I too was very pleased to know that Mary was ready to take the all-important step.
Mary and Tom now enter a hall, and the congregation stand. A red curtain opens to reveal Mary sitting in large white bath with a man stood next to her. The man then tips her back and immerses her fully in the bath.
A page from the Bible with the words "A New Creature" is underlined.
"Christian Adelphoi"
"The End".
This film was donated by a keen filmmaker who lived in Skidby, East Yorkshire, Albert Smith. Albert left a sizeable collection of extremely well made films, often revealing his interests in wildlife and travel. The films that the YFA have date from 1956 to 1970, and include a film on The Changing Face of Skidby from 1967. For more on Albert see the Contexts for The East Riding, and A Bedtime Story, both made in 1959.
Both who the makers of this film are, and how it come into the hands...
This film was donated by a keen filmmaker who lived in Skidby, East Yorkshire, Albert Smith. Albert left a sizeable collection of extremely well made films, often revealing his interests in wildlife and travel. The films that the YFA have date from 1956 to 1970, and include a film on The Changing Face of Skidby from 1967. For more on Albert see the Contexts for The East Riding, and A Bedtime Story, both made in 1959.
Both who the makers of this film are, and how it come into the hands of Albert, is obscure. The film may well have been filmed by Albert as a member of the Christadelphians, who have given themselves the name of "Christian Adelphoi" (Christian Brothers) and "Truth Films” in the credits. All we have to go on is the clues in the film. The address on the letters in the film may well have been made up, or Kingston could refer to Kingston-upon-Hull, which is near Skidby, and the locations look as if they could also be in the Skidby area of East Yorkshire. Both the way the it has been filmed, and the use of music, is similar to Albert’s The East Riding made in the following year. There is an existing Christadelphian group near Beverley. The Christadelphians are not a very well-known group – they refer to themselves as a group rather than a ‘church’, and have adopted the name to distance themselves from ‘Christian’ churches which they see as failing, in various ways, to properly follow the Bible. Nevertheless, they do have ecclesia, or 'church', dotted around the UK. They do not have such a high as profile as similar religious groups like the Jehovah Witnesses, with whom they have much in common, even though they predate them. Some of this is due to the fact that they aren’t a very strident evangelical group, knocking on doors. The group has been bedevilled by schisms – over several issues, the status of baptism being one of them, military service another –creating several different ‘Fellowships’. At about the time of this film, in 1957-58, some of these Fellowships re-united – see the entry on them in Wikipedia. They have groups in several countries, including the US and Australia (but also some in Poland, Russia and India), although by far the biggest is in the UK, the Central group based in Birmingham, which has an estimated 55,000 members – see Wikipedia. Christianity has never been a unified religion, but the number and variety of independent churches or groups claiming to be Christian is bewildering. After the great schism in the Church in the 11th century, resulting in the division between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, the next major division was the Reformation in the 16th century. Both during that movement, and subsequently, Protestantism has splintered into very many sects – with the mid-19th in the US a particularly fertile time and place. The Christadelphians, like many similar groups, were formed in the US in this period: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) were founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. Many more have formed since them, and these are sometimes grouped together under the heading of new religious groups – see Lewis (References), although his compilation of groups does not include the Christadelphians; possibly because they are relatively orthodox. Although formed in the US, they were founded by an Englishman, John Thomas, the son of a Congregationalist minister. After arriving in the US in 1832, having escaped shipwreck, he founded a magazine called The Apostolic Advocate in 1834, and joined the newly formed Disciplines of Christ, founded by Alexander Campbell. This group emphasised baptism by immersion, the second coming of Christ, based its teachings entirely on the Bible, and rejected mainstream creedal beliefs. These were all positions that were adopted by the Christadelphians; their name taken from the Greek, ‘brothers, or brethren, in Christ’. Thomas’ chief disagreement with Campbell was that he believed that those being baptised should be old enough to make an intelligent judgement; hence he founded the Christadelphians in 1848, the year he wrote his Elpis Israel – An Exposition of the Kingdom of God. When Thomas died in 1871 leadership passed to Robert Roberts who published his lectures as Christendom Astray which become a standard source of interpretation for the Christadelphians. To quote from their own website: “The Christadelphians are a religious group who base our beliefs wholly on the Bible, regarding it as fully inspired by God, and hence believe it is error free.” Further they believe that Christ will return to the earth, bring eternal life to His people and establish the long-awaited Kingdom of God – the millennial belief that Jesus and his followers will live for a thousand years (the millennium). For Christadelphians this will be before the final battle of Armageddon, as in the Olivet Prophecy. They have no priests, central leadership, or elaborate churches, robes or ceremonies, and in this are like other Congregationalist churches. The belief in the literal word of the Bible – what is called Biblical inerrancy – is one that is shared with many churches: for example, the Evangelical Free Church of America, an association of 1,500 autonomous churches, also takes this position. Yet despite this, the Christadelphians still have differences over some aspects of the Bible, such as the nature of God, with the Christadelphians rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity – a view shared by other non-Trinitarians like the Jehovah Witnesses. For a list of differences between Christadelphians and more mainstream Christianity see Burrell, which also presents a critical overview of their doctrines (References). These differences reveal one of the difficulties of Biblical inerrancy – of being a Bible-only religion – namely, the need for some interpretation. The problem here is having some external source for interpretation and for resolving interpretative disagreements. This need has given rise to a vast wealth of Biblical study, historical and interpretive, or hermeneutics, which poses a large range of problems for Biblical inerrancy. From the very earliest times, scholars have debated the meanings in the Bible, whether it should be read literally or figuratively. The study of Biblical hermeneutics developed in Germany towards the end of the 18th century. Since then many scientific developments have also posed problems for those who see the Bible as being the literal truth; for example, with the theory of evolution. Some Bible-only religions, such as the Jehovah Witnesses, have sought to challenge these on rational and scientific grounds. The problem of having a consistent basis for religious belief has bedevilled generations since Thomas Aquinas attempted to resolve the reason vs faith divide in his unfinished Summa Theologica, written between 1265 and 1274. Many modern theologians view the duality as being a false one, and have either given up the idea of a purely literal reading of the Bible, or developed a much more sophisticated conception of what a ‘literal’ reading entails – see ‘The Discipline of Scripture’ in Rowan Williams, References. The film focuses on something most of us probably take for granted, baptism. The Christadelphians have the distinctive practice of Believer's baptism (credobaptism), which derives from the Anabaptist tradition. Like other Churches of Christ, the Christadelphians believe baptism to be an integral part of the conversion process and of salvation. The idea of being old enough to make an independent and informed decision about ones beliefs would seem to be an obvious one within this view, and certainly chimes in with the very different tradition of the Enlightenment which stresses individual autonomy. But those, like the Anglican Church, who practice child baptism, do not see it as part of ‘conversion’, so much as symbolising being part of a community. In this view the idea of a child being completely ‘neutral’ is naïve: an orientation is required, and this is a gift symbolised in the sacrament of baptism. Clearly, an entire language and theology underpins these understandings, and sacraments need to be understood within this context – see ‘Sacraments of the New Society’, Williams. This film provides a rare glimpse into the other side of a relatively small religious group at a time when evangelical groups were very active in Britain: for example with the evangelistic crusades of the US Baptist minister Billy Graham – see also the Context for Dale Days with Cpas (1949). Many of these groups have been criticised for recruiting vulnerable people using unscrupulous means, but here we have an example of a group that values a genuine conversion. References Maurice Burrell, The ‘Christian’ Fringe, The Canterbury Press, 1996. F L Cross (editor), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Oxford University Press, 2005. James Lewis, The Encyclopedia of Cults, Sects and the New Religions, Prometheus Books, 1998. Rowan Williams, On Christian Theology, Blackwell, Oxford, 2000. Christadelphians BBC: Christadelphians The Cross Denominational Mission Christadelphians in Wikipedia Andrew Shanks, Faith in Honesty: The Essential Nature of Theology, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2005. |