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Summary This Calendar News item reporting on the overcrowding at West Lodge Children’s Home was originally broadcast on 23rd January, 1975.
This Calendar News item reporting on the overcrowding at West Lodge Children’s Home was originally broadcast on 23rd January, 1975.
The film opens with an exterior shot of West Lodge house which is run by the Nottinghamshire County Council. The house is surrounded by large grounds. Inside, David Wilson, Super Intendent, explains the problem of overcrowding. He shows the reporter the bedrooms packed with bunkbeds and the small sitting room and dining rooms. When Mr. Callum is interviewed,...
This Calendar News item reporting on the overcrowding at West Lodge Children’s Home was originally broadcast on 23rd January, 1975.
The film opens with an exterior shot of West Lodge house which is run by the Nottinghamshire County Council. The house is surrounded by large grounds. Inside, David Wilson, Super Intendent, explains the problem of overcrowding. He shows the reporter the bedrooms packed with bunkbeds and the small sitting room and dining rooms. When Mr. Callum is interviewed, he explains overcrowding is a national problem, and children have had to temporarily sleep on mattresses in corridors. Funding cutbacks are likely to continue