WORK ID: NEFA 10465 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
A TRIP TO THE RHINE BY AIR 1930 | 1930 | 1930-01-01 |
Original Format: 9.5mm Colour: Black & White Sound: Silent Duration: 16 mins 40 secs Credits: Individuals: Tom H. Brown, Kate E. Brown Genre: Home Movie Subject: ARCHITECTURE ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE RELIGION ships TRANSPORT TRAVEL |
Summary A black and white travelogue, made by Middlesbrough based amateur filmmaker Tom H. Brown, which records a one week trip to Germany with his future wife, Kate, traveling with Imperial Airways from Croydon to Cologne. |
A black and white travelogue, made by Middlesbrough based amateur filmmaker Tom H. Brown, which records a one week trip to Germany with his future wife, Kate, traveling with Imperial Airways from Croydon to Cologne.
Title: A Trip To The Rhine By Air 1930
Title: London.
The Airways Bus To Croydon Kate walks towards camera.
Title: Our Plane At Brussels
There is a shot of the front end of an Imperial Airways airplane.
Title: A German Plane
Brief shot of an airplane.
Title: A Few Birds In...
A black and white travelogue, made by Middlesbrough based amateur filmmaker Tom H. Brown, which records a one week trip to Germany with his future wife, Kate, traveling with Imperial Airways from Croydon to Cologne.
Title: A Trip To The Rhine By Air 1930
Title: London.
The Airways Bus To Croydon Kate walks towards camera.
Title: Our Plane At Brussels
There is a shot of the front end of an Imperial Airways airplane.
Title: A German Plane
Brief shot of an airplane.
Title: A Few Birds In Cologne
Kate Brown feeds pigeons in a cobbled square.
Title: Cologne Cathedral
The scene opens with a general view of the front entrance to the gothic Cologne Cathedral where the steps are lined with people. The camera pans up the façade of the cathedral to the pair of towers, and down to an adjoining street where a small tour bus stands.
Title: Some Tram!
A tram passes through an 'old town' (Aldstadt) city square in Cologne. The Cologne Cathedral rises above the square in the background.
Title: Cologne Bridge
Next, there is a shot of the Hohenzollernbrucke, a Cologne bridge across the river Rhine.
Title: Near The Station
Shot of two men in traditional German dress of knee-length trousers and feather-trimmed hats.
Title: Two Pairs of Shorts
A young man and woman are examining the exterior columns of Cologne Cathedral. They are wearing matching hiking shorts and shirts and may belong to one of the collective scouting movements, common in Germany at this time. Other tourists are looking up at the cathedral façade.
Title: A Robert
Women stop and speak to a policeman in a city square.
Title: The Cathedral Pigeons
A mix of adults and children feed pigeons.
Title: Bonn. Further Up The Rhine Title: Bonn. Beethoven’s House
A woman walks by the house in Bonngasse Street where Beethoven was born and glances at the door. A man walks by carrying a very large parcel. A sign above the doorway reads 'Beethovens Geburtshaus' (Beethoven’s birthplace.)
Title: Bonn. The Market
Tom Brown walks through a busy vegetable market. There are upturned market barrows in the background.
Title: A Bonn Parson
A Protestant minister walks across a Bonn street.
Title: Altenahr, The Oldest Watermill In Germany
General view of a watermill located in the river valley of the Ahr.
Title: Altenahr. Our Guide.
A group of people gather by an Automobile Club sign.
Title: Altenahr. Vineyards
Steep vineyards are set on the hills along the Ahr river at Altenahr.
Title: Stop Me And Buy One
Kate stands next to a street ice cream vendor and eats an ice cream.
Title: The Movies
She looks around the exterior lobby of a cinema. A poster advertises the latest film.
Title: A Monk At Bad Neuenahr
A monk walks through the public gardens at Bad Neuenahr.
Title: The Appolinaris Spring and Works
Kate walks up to a sundial in a square at the bottling plant for Apollinaris spring water in Bad Neuenahr.
Title: Bad Ems, Our Car
Shot of the small tour bus parked in the resort of Bad Ems on the River Lahn.
Title: Bad Ems, Kursaal Gardens
High angle shot of the Kursaal gardens, or spa gardens, at Bad Ems.
Title: Bad Ems. The Russian Church
Travelling shot from the road of the Russian Orthodox church in Bad Ems with its five cupolas.
Title: Limburg
Shot of a half-timbered building, possibly part of the castle complex in Limburg. [over-exposed shot] Groups of people are strolling in the Limburg castle courtyard.
Title: Baptism at Limburg Cathedral
A large local family group arrives in their car to attend a baptism at Saint George’s Cathedral. They carry the baby in a blanket and congregate on the pavement.
Title: A Daschund
A woman plays with a Daschund dog on the street. A man strokes the dog. The dog then poses for the camera.
Title: Frankfurt. Goethe’s House
Exterior shot of the Goethe House in Frankfurt am Main.
Title: Frankfurt, Magnificent Wood Carvings
An exterior shot of a building in Frankfurt depicts the detailed carved wooden decoration.
Title: Frankfurt. The Coronation House
Shots of the façade of a building, identified as Coronation House. Pan upwards to show the clock tower.
Title: Frankfurt. A Narrow Alley
Panning shot up and down a narrow alleyway between half-timbered houses in Frankfurt.
Title: Frankfurt. The Oldest Pub -The Wild Woman
Exterior shot of a public house called 'The Wild Woman' that features a striking mural of a vamp woman on an outer wall. A general view shows its location at the corner of a Frankfurt street.
Title: Hot Dogs
People buy hot dogs from a street vendor. A man enthusiastically eats a hot dog for the camera. A sign advertises 'Warme Wurst' (Hot Sausages.)
Title: Frankfurt, Ancient And Modern
There is a shot of a modern (1920s?) building sited next to an old half-timbered building.
Title: Frankfurt. A Basin Fountain
A large fountain stands on a roundabout in front of the Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) shipping company building.
Title: A Common Sight
A man drives two oxen pulling a cart along a street, wielding a whip. A landscape of fields can be seen when the cart reaches the end of the street.
Title: Erbach, Schoolchildren
In this sequence two blonde haired, young German children sit on a doorstep with a metal ring as a toy. They jostle with each other a little. Two more children join them on the doorstep.
Title: Heidelberg. The Oxford of Germany
The scene moves to Heidelberg and shows a general view of the city on two banks of the river Neckar, linked by an arch bridge, and located in a steep, wooded valley in the Odenwald.
Title: Heidelberg, Castle Walls 18 Feet Thick
General view of the exterior and remaining walls of Heidelberg Castle.
Title: Heidelberg. The Castle Statues
The film then documents several statues of imposing gentlemen in niches on the castle facades facing Heidelberg Castle courtyard. These include the statue of Johannes Casimir.
Title: Ready While You Wait Title: Photographer And A Child
A photographer on the street vanishes under his black cloth to focus his camera for a shot. A young girl stands beside him and shields her eyes against the sun.
Title: Our Guide
A male guide runs toward camera.
Title: The Ancient Throne Room
General view of the arched doorway to the Throne Room of Heidelberg Castle, with a partial view of a column to right of the building.
Title: Heidelberg, The Portcullis
A woman (Kate Brown?) walks through the arched doorway of the portcullis, or entrance gate to the castle. A group of three young people in a uniform of knee length shorts, white shirts and ties are seen walking through the courtyard behind her.
Title: Heidelberg From The Castle
Panoramic view over Heidelberg and surrounding landscape from the high viewpoint of the castle.
Title: Heidelberg, The Student Prince Inn
Brief general view of Heidelberg.
Title: Stop Me And Buy Another
Kate Brown buys an ice cream from a street vendor. She poses for the camera whilst eating her ice cream.
Title: Tom As A Heidelberg Student
Tom Brown hangs out of the window of the tour bus. He then gets out and walks towards the camera. He wears a Heidelberg students' cap.
Title: Kaye
Kate poses at a window.
Title: Our Driver
Two men are standing outside a large modern restaurant building. Another man then joins them.
Title: Wiesbaden, A Zeppelin On My Bed!
Kate plumps up the duvet on a bed in a hotel room.
Title: Wiesbaden
A public bus pulls away from a bus stop on the streets of Wiesbaden.
Title: Wiesbaden. The Park
General view of the park with trees, pond and water features.
Title: The Rhine. The Lorelei.
A steamer boat makes its way up the river Rhine, chugging thick plumes of black smoke into the air. There is a shot of the wooded banks of the river. A long barge sails past.
Title: Boats On The Rhine
Travelling shots taken from a moving boat of the many different vessels on the river. A steam train passes on the far bank of the Rhine.
Title: Welcome Refreshment
Tom Brown takes a drink straight from a bottle, standing on the banks of the Rhine with many other sightseers. He walks toward a tour bus and gestures for the camera to follow.
Title: A Silhouette of Cologne
The outline of the Cologne cityscape is seen through thick fog from a traveling boat. A tugboat with unusual funnels pulls a long line of smaller barges down the river.
Title: Cologne Aerodrome
A D901 passenger plane stands on an open aerodrome runway. A gentleman in a bowler hat and umbrella walks across the runway towards camera. A small biplane takes off in the far background.
Title: Our Plane
A plane has landed and as it comes to rest on the runway, a man cycles past on a bike. A woman in a smart pencil skirt suit and cloche hat climbs the boarding steps and enters the plane. Other passengers follow.
Title: Brussels
Kate heads towards camera across the aerodrome, with the plane and airline staff seen behind her. In the background stands the modern Cologne airport building.
[Note: Some frames not shot listed here due to sprocket damage.]
End title: Auf Wiedersehen