WORK ID: YFA 615 (Master Record)
Title | Year | Date |
SALEM CAMP | 1953 | 1953-01-01 |
Original Format: 9.5mm Colour: Black & White Sound: Silent Duration: 9 mins 30 secs Subject: COUNTRYSIDE / LANDSCAPES ENTERTAINMENT / LEISURE |
Summary This is a film which documents trip to the Salem Camp Coniston which takes place over a few days. |
This is a film which documents trip to the Salem Camp Coniston which takes place over a few days.
Title - Salem Camp Coniston 1953
Coniston Hall
Now a Farm
Shot of a hall
Title - The camp, lake, and Lancashire Fells
Many tents are being set up by the scouts on the farm. The surrounding countryside setting can also be seen.
Title - Sunday a short excursion is arranged
Near the tents, the scouts group together and get ready for their excursion.
Title - Preparing midday dinner
This is a film which documents trip to the Salem Camp Coniston which takes place over a few days.
Title - Salem Camp Coniston 1953
Coniston Hall
Now a Farm
Shot of a hall
Title - The camp, lake, and Lancashire Fells
Many tents are being set up by the scouts on the farm. The surrounding countryside setting can also be seen.
Title - Sunday a short excursion is arranged
Near the tents, the scouts group together and get ready for their excursion.
Title - Preparing midday dinner
Duties are split up at camp as some of the scouts wash dishes while others peel potatoes. One of the bosses of the camp is in charge of the more extensive chopping and carving of meat and different foods.
Title - Dinner is ready
A man rings the dinner bell outside of the meal tent and all the boys from the camp come running for dinner. Food is handed out and all the camp is gathered seated at tables set up under the tent.
Title - Monday's excursion - They're off!
Title - Arrival at Seathwaite - Duddon Valley
The group out on the excursion can be seen hiking up the road, many carrying walking sticks.
Title - Coniston Village the start of Tuesday's hike
The boys gather in the village centre near a phone booth awaiting their departure.
Title - The party strayed - we searched
Title - In the mist top of the Wrynose Pass
Much of the countryside is covered in a misty fog.
Title - Sports Day - Visitors Day
Titl - En route for camp
Three guys sit and admire the view.
Title - Sports commence with the sprint
Title - Sack race
Title - Visitors enjoy the farm
There is a group of visitors seated by the tent who are watching more sack racing.
Title - Other sports include - high and long jumps, wheelbarrow race, etc.
The boys participate in the high jump, a wheelbarrow race, piggyback race, long jump, and an obstacle race. Afterwards, the adults of the camp get in on the fun too and have a few races of their own.
Title - Also football without rules?
A bit if a makeshift football game can be seen.
Title - This pastime thrills the boys
A group of boys carry another boy to the water and dunk his head in the water a few times before letting him go.
Title - Pity this ain't a talkie
A man in front of the tent laughs and talks to the camera, although, as the title points out, what he says or is laughing at is indecipherable.
Title - Celia distributes the prizes.
A woman, Celia, hands out various prizes to the winners of the sports day races.
Title - Our main rule - no wash, no breakfast is observed
The boys, as well as some of the bosses are washing up in the nearby lake.
Title - Friday the Boss Relaxes
The boss takes his time of relaxation by lying on a chair outside with his pipe as well as playing a few games of ping pong with some of the boys from camp.
Title - Saturday all good things come to an end
Title - Retrieving the Paraffin
Title - The camp group
The boys are gathered together in front of the tent posing for a picture and waving to the camera.
Title - The boys leave for the station and home
The boys depart carrying their bags with them.
Title - With a tinge of regret, we complete the packing
The tents from the camp are taken down and loaded up into the truck.
Title - Camp is over - But the 'spirit' of camp never dies
So roll on 1954
The end