Online Exhibitions

Over the course of the ‘Nature Matters’ project, we’ve uncovered lots of wonderful footage which showcases our complex relationship with the environment around us. The films in our collection tell the stories of both people and the natural world through the lens of a camera, by illustrating just how much control (or even lack of) and influence we have on our planet, and just how much it impacts our lives too. 

Although we’ve been able to reach our audiences with this content through special events such as screenings, in-person exhibitions, festivals and workshops, we thought it was important to create a longer-term display of this important archive footage which will also be accessible to people online. 

Our project volunteers have carefully researched, curated and designed these short online exhibitions using small clips from relevant films in our collection which fit the major themes and engaging stories that they wanted to tell.

Please take the time to watch and enjoy our ‘Nature Matters’ online exhibitions. 

To scroll through the exhibitions in the way they are intended, simply click the right arrow → with your mouse at the bottom of the exhibition, or by using the right → arrow on your keyboard. Make sure to set the exhibition to full screen, with your volume turned on.