Host a Nature Matters short film screening

A love letter to nature and a call to action.  Nature Matters is a timely short film which speaks across generations, using over a century of archive footage to remind us of our innate relationship with the natural world.

This is a unique opportunity to witness and screen climate stories told through regional film heritage by the people who were there and witnessed the events.

This 16-minute film, created in partnership with York Business School and the York St John Cinema and Social Justice project, contains clips from 139 pieces of archive footage in our collection, carefully curated, digitised and edited to form a powerful narrative. 

Now that our National Lottery Heritage Fund project has ended, the film is available to screen non-commercially at a cost of £35 plus VAT for a digital download with subtitles if required. For commercial events, please get in touch.

We have also created an accompanying toolkit that gives more information and context to the film and some question prompts for a post-screening discussion.

How the film could be used:

  • As a conversation starter about the environment in your area, using the film and prompts from the accompanying toolkit.
  • As a resource to get more people engaged in eco issues.
  • A point of reflection on our changing relationship with nature.
  • To create an activity inspired by the film, such as making things out of sustainable materials, collages, zinemaking.

Where it has been screened so far:

  • Festival of Thrift
  • Middlesbrough Arts Week
  • York St John University
  • Guisborough Eco Group

Upcoming screenings:

  • Young Women's Creative Collective, Bridlington
  • University of York Environment Society
  • Ranger GirlGuiding Group, North Yorkshire
  • HARI, Hull


Please email Ruth Patman: